Thursday, July 16, 2015

Politics Make Me Sad

I try not to become disillusioned with our country and what’s going on, but it gets harder and harder.  Forces beyond my control are making us more and more divided.  I still believe that the answer to many of our trouble is to figure out a way to get along, work together for solutions that are good for all of us.  However, we are so far apart I don’t know if that is possible.  

One of my biggest issues is when politicians use something that has happened (and seriously twist the facts) to further divide us.  A recent example:  the case of the “Little Sisters of the Poor.”  A group brought the lawsuit on behalf of the nuns and religious schools, yet, a Republican lawmaker said on Facebook, “The Administration has taken the "Little Sisters of the Poor," a group of Nuns who care for the needy in the community, to court to compel them to buy birth control (which violates their religious belief) or pay a huge IRS fine which will devestate (their misspelling, not mine) the ministry.”  This resulted in countless people rallying behind him and his conservative agenda, not bothering to read the facts of the lawsuit. 

I know there are examples on the other side, too, but this one was fresh in my mind because I just saw it.  I don’t want to dwell on the specifics of politics because I think there are problems on both sides of the fence, and as you might guess I am a liberal.  But both sides go too far.  Both sides are guilty of using the mistakes and missteps of the other side to further their agenda.  Yes, yes, I know that’s what politics are all about.  Are we really willing to let that destroy us?  Are we not still the greatest nation on earth?  Are we not still your best hope to live the life you want with opportunities that are found no other place?  Are we not still proud of the brave men and women who fight for our freedom every day?  Let’s all work together to make sure those men and women are still proud to fight for us. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Purging Clutter

I have begun a purge.  I felt compelled to buy a book called, The life-changing magic of tidying up.  I hadn't read 10 pages until I purged two large trash bags full of clothes and scarves. 

I am not sure where this purge will lead me, but I am excited to find out.  The people who know me, know that I am frugal.  I love to re-purpose, I love to recycle, I love to find new uses for old things.  But I was feeling stressed all the time.  Feeling like I never got caught up, like I never got things cleaned up, like I never got to the things that I enjoy doing.  I felt unhappy and sad.  So, I started the purge. 

Today when I got to work, I continued the purge in my office.  This is more challenging, because there are lots of things I need to keep.  But there are lots of things I don't.  I threw away, filed away, cleaned and tidied my office.  It felt good to leave on Friday afternoon with a clean (er) office. 

I continued at home, still working on my closet.  More came out.

Cute hair accessories, old nail polish, cute vintage Samsonite luggage,

purses, etc. etc.  As I sat down for a popcorn snack, I went through magazine clippings of recipes I wanted to try and purged more.  (As I'm purging, I'm adding more recipes to my recipe blog, check it out here.)

I am planning to continue all this weekend, at least Saturday.  It feels good.  It feels fresh.  I am not sure what  else I will change after finishing the book, but am excited to see.  I am hoping to purge lots of negative thoughts in the process.  More to be revealed....


Friday, June 26, 2015

Blessed Beyond Belief

I have been blessed, beyond belief, to have encountered, loved, counseled and learned from people from all walks of life.  I have had my own beliefs challenged, my tolerances stretched and my mind opened beyond my pre-conceived stereotypes and prejudices.  For all of this, I am grateful. 

I love learning about different cultures, different faiths, different lifestyles and just learning from people how very different their struggles have been from mine.  Some of my beliefs from childhood I have embraced and some I have been ashamed of, but all of them have made me the person I am today, imperfect in every way but still trying to get it right. 

I imagine a world where we would embrace our differences and use our unique talents to figure out how to all live together, rather than trying to be intentionally hurtful in the name of "that's what I believe."  I know what my beliefs are, but I would never be so pompous as to pretend I speak for God or interpret for another what God's word means for another's life, I can only do that for myself. 

I have very strong opinions about things, but mostly in the arena of being the champion for the underdog or working to get people to live together peacefully.  I try very hard not to express opinions that could be hurtful to others, but, again, am not perfect in doing so. 

Let's all try to reach out and touch someone, give a helping hand, find some common ground.  I'm guessing we could all have more peace.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

So busy I forget about the people

I like a clean house.  I like to cook from scratch (and by scratch I mean no packets, no mixes, as close to whole food as I can get).  I like to find interesting items at Estate Sales, Garage Sales, Thrift Stores, etc and re-purpose them into something really cool.  I see craft items (mostly jewelry these days) online or in a store and I think:  “I can make that.”  I love to have a house that people walk into and say, “This looks like something from a magazine.”  I like to grow herbs and vegetables and beautiful flowers. 

For various reasons, many with psychological origins and some I’ve spent years in therapy trying to resolve, I am some manner of obsessed with making sure these things happen.  Well, did I mention I have a full-time job, own a retail store with my husband and try to pack as much knowledge in my head on various subjects on a daily basis??? 

So, here’s my problem, I work so hard at making my house comfortable, my yard beautiful and making sure I don’t spend a penny more on anything than I need to, that I forget about one thing:  people.  Yes, sometimes I am so busy making sure everything is perfect for my party, my guests, and my friends and family that I forget to enjoy the people. 

I am independent, sometimes fiercely so.  I enjoy time to myself.  I enjoy getting my projects caught up.  So much so, that I forget how filled up I get by spending quality time with family and friends.  Do you have this need to be perfect?  If so, how do you deal with it?