Thursday, May 28, 2015

So busy I forget about the people

I like a clean house.  I like to cook from scratch (and by scratch I mean no packets, no mixes, as close to whole food as I can get).  I like to find interesting items at Estate Sales, Garage Sales, Thrift Stores, etc and re-purpose them into something really cool.  I see craft items (mostly jewelry these days) online or in a store and I think:  “I can make that.”  I love to have a house that people walk into and say, “This looks like something from a magazine.”  I like to grow herbs and vegetables and beautiful flowers. 

For various reasons, many with psychological origins and some I’ve spent years in therapy trying to resolve, I am some manner of obsessed with making sure these things happen.  Well, did I mention I have a full-time job, own a retail store with my husband and try to pack as much knowledge in my head on various subjects on a daily basis??? 

So, here’s my problem, I work so hard at making my house comfortable, my yard beautiful and making sure I don’t spend a penny more on anything than I need to, that I forget about one thing:  people.  Yes, sometimes I am so busy making sure everything is perfect for my party, my guests, and my friends and family that I forget to enjoy the people. 

I am independent, sometimes fiercely so.  I enjoy time to myself.  I enjoy getting my projects caught up.  So much so, that I forget how filled up I get by spending quality time with family and friends.  Do you have this need to be perfect?  If so, how do you deal with it?  

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